Banish Sun Damage With CoolPeel™

 Banish Sun Damage With CoolPeel™

Everyone wants a beautiful complexion, but achieving one isn’t always easy — especially as you get older. Years of sun exposure cause damage deep within the skin, ushering in complexion problems like fine lines, age spots, and rough texture that take a toll on your skin and your confidence.

Fortunately, there are solutions that can help, but some of those solutions, like traditional laser resurfacing, come with risks and a long period of recovery. The good news: CoolPeel™ can help, offering rejuvenation benefits without cutting into your busy schedule.

A leading provider of state-of-the-art skin treatments in the nation’s capital, Metroderm DC: Medical, Laser, and Aesthetic Dermatology Center offers CoolPeel treatment for women and men looking for a simple way to renew their complexions without disrupting their regular routines. 

In this post, Edward Stolar, MD, and Todd Perkins, MD, offer a quick overview of CoolPeel and how it can help eliminate sun damage and refresh your complexion.

Quick facts about CoolPeel

CO2 lasers are one of the most effective tools for rejuvenating skin damaged by the sun and overall effects of aging. But even though they’re good at getting results, they use intense heat, too, and that means a prolonged recovery time afterward.

CoolPeel uses special technology to achieve the benefits of a CO2 laser treatment without the long healing time. 

The CoolPeel laser system is designed to deliver short bursts of high laser energy focused on the upper layers of skin where visible damage occurs. That means beautiful results and a quick recovery time.

In fact, CoolPeel is so effective, it can be a good solution for issues like: 

We can adjust CoolPeel’s technology, too, making it safe even for people with sensitive skin.

What to expect from CoolPeel treatment

With CoolPeel, we use a handheld device to deliver laser energy to the layers of skin where damage occurs. After gently cleansing your skin, we apply a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable and relaxed.

Next, we pass the device over your skin, allowing the laser to penetrate the upper layers of tissue. As your skin absorbs the energy, the laser causes controlled damage that promotes skin turnover and the development of new, healthy skin. 

Most CoolPeel sessions take 5-20 minutes, depending on the issues we’re treating. There’s no downtime afterward, either, so you can go right back to your normal routine. 

Your skin may look pinkish and might feel dry and irritated for a day or two. Keep your skin moisturized, use sunscreen, and avoid direct sun exposure while your skin recovers. 

We provide complete recovery instructions before you leave the office. While you can enjoy benefits from one session, most patients find they achieve optimal results with 2-3 sessions spaced out over a few weeks

Find out if CoolPeel is right for you

CoolPeel is just one of the skin rejuvenation options we offer. To learn more about CoolPeel and other treatments to help your complexion look its best, call 202-659-2223 today or request an appointment online with our team at Metroderm DC.

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